Doncaster School for the Deaf Secondary Pupil learning CPR
Doncaster School for the Deaf Secondary Pupil learning CPR

Careers Leader  

Emma Smith

Careers Lead and Specialist Teaching Assistant 

Email :

 Tel :01302 386733

  • In the past 3 years, 100% of our pupils transitioned into Further Education
  • The careers programme and information are evaluated and reviewed yearly to ensure coverage and effectiveness. 

Careers Governor 

Brian Green

Email :

Useful Information

DfE Careers Guidance Information 

Careers Policy

Provider Access Policy

Careers Programme

What to expect from Personal Guidance 

Preparing for adulthood

Help Your Child Grow into Their Future Careers & the World of Work



This site gives Deaf specific careers advice and rights in work.  

Provides information about the world of work and activities and skills needed.  

JED  and SMART – answer questions and explore which jobs might suit you