Graeme joined the Trust in early 2022. He has primarily worked in the public sector since 1975, in various roles from Clerical Assistant to Chief Finance Officer. His work has included working in local government, further education, academy trusts, housing and the NHS. For a number of years he was also a parent governor at a sixth form college and also served as chair of the audit committee.
Graeme’s role is to manage the Trust’s finances, ensure the Trust meets it’s financial obligations and help ensure the ongoing financial sustainability.
His personal interests include football and The Beatles.
Hello, I am the Headteacher at Doncaster School for the Deaf with over 30 years’ experience at this school. After my degree in Maths and Sciences I completed my PGCE in Maths. I gained interesting teaching experiences in Leeds, Turkey, Kenya and Malaysia. My mother was also a teacher of the Deaf and began her career at this school. On my return from Malaysia, I qualified as a teacher of the Deaf and took up a post as a primary teacher and later as Maths Lead here.
I am pleased to be the first female Headteacher in the schools ‘195 year history’ and I am determined to ensure a sustainable and high quality service for all. I am extremely proud of our school, its pupils and staff.
Hi I’m Tina and I have worked for the Trust for over 8 years.
I am very community minded and invested a lot of time volunteering in my local area providing activities for 4 to18 year olds and employability/training for adults and was a District Councillor from 2010 –2015.
I had previously worked in the Welfare to Work Industry for 15 years. Having spent a lot of my career working with individuals who had multiple barriers that deemed them unemployable I soon realized the positive impact that was created given the right support.
I believe that anyone who wants to work should be given every opportunity that has huge benefits to not only the individual but also the communities in which they live.