Governors and Trustees are critical to the success of the Charity. Although they are volunteers, they provide challenge and monitoring. They ask questions and probe the information they have been provided. Governors and Trustees are often seen as the ‘critical friend’ to ensure the senior executive teams are responding to the challenges and key priorities. Being a Governor or Trustee is supportive within a group of other volunteers who work together as a collective voice.


Carla Vaughan (Chair of Governors)

Carla Vaughan


Stephanie Fogg (Staff Governor)

I am the current staff governor at Doncaster School for the Deaf. I teach English full time in school and also have responsibility for leading on English and reading across the school. Before I moved to Doncaster School for the Deaf, I worked for five years both as a peripatetic Teacher of the Deaf and a Teacher of the Deaf in a primary resource base and have always loved using books and stories as a way to support deaf children's language development, emotional development, world knowledge and theory of mind skills. I completed my Masters in Education Studies (Teacher of the Deaf) in 2015 at Mary Hare in partnership with Oxford Brookes university where I focused my dissertation on Developmental Language Disorder in Deaf children who also have English as an Additional Language. In my spare time, I (unsurprisingly!) enjoy reading and one of the great joys of my current role is fostering a love of books in the children I teach. In particular, I like seeing the children becoming engrossed when teachers and Specialist Teaching Assistants sign books to their classes, as they really bring the stories to life using the wonders of BSL!


Rebecca Rosbottom (Parent Governor)

My name is Rebecca Rosbottom, I am a newly appointed Parent Governor. I am thrilled to be part of the Governance Team and I am hoping to build good relationships with the pupils, teachers and parents throughout the coming months.

I am a parent of a child whom attends the school and keen to be an active part of the school, to support with the ongoing progress within the school.


Jessica Haslam (School Governor)

I joined the governor's board in September 22. I am delighted to be involved with the school. Having trained and worked as a teacher of the deaf for many years it is great to be involved again in meeting the needs of deaf children and to support such an excellent provision. I now work for the Department of Education as an Adviser for Special Educational Needs. My role is to work with local authorities and partners providing support and challenge to improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND. This is a strategic role and this overview of national developments can support Doncaster School for the Deaf. On a more practical level, I have a personal understanding of SEN and what being a parent in 'the system' can involve, as I have two disabled children with special educational needs. I am enthusiastic about ensuring we work together to provide the best education for all the children in the school. Every child has their individual needs and it is a joy walking around school to see how personalised the lessons are. There are a great range of activities and experiences on offer. I look forward to being part of the team that supports such an excellent school.

Brian Green (Associate Governor)

I was born a Barnsley lad. I was a boarder at Yorkshire Residential School for the Deaf ( YRSD) , now known as Doncaster School for the Deaf , from 1962 to 1976. I became head boy. I received a great education at school. After school I went on to be a professional footballer playing for Sheffield Wednesday Football Club for nearly two years . For around twenty five years I was selected to play for Great Britain and England’s Deaf Football Teams. As an international footballer I travelled around the world, taking part in the Deaf Football World Cup and the Deaf Olympic Games.

Doncaster Deaf Trust offered me a job in the Sport Department in 1998. I have since worked in College residence and supported students in their learning.

For the Last 5 years I have worked for Aspire to Be, (Doncaster Deaf Trusts Employability Service) as a Careers Adviser helping Deaf and Disabled people into work.

Tanya Andrews (Parent Governor)