The safety and welfare of our young people is paramount in everything we do.  We recognise that all members of staff and students have a part in safeguarding young people and therefore we embed the main principals within the 24hr curriculum. The whole staff team have regular training and updates in line with their roles and responsibilities within college and the pastoral and safeguarding team are accessible to students throughout their day. 

Meet the team  

Joanne Ellis
Pastoral Manager
Lynsey Coates
Pastoral and Student Welfare Officer


Concerns may include: 

  • bullying, including cyber bullying, (by text, on social media etc.) and prejudice-based bullying 
  • racist, disability and homophobic or transphobic abuse 
  • radicalisation and extremist behaviour 
  • child exploitation  
  • sexting 
  • substance misuse 
  • female genital mutilation and forced marriage 
  • Children and Young People who are missing from home and/or education. 
  • Online grooming, online safety  
  • Domestic Violence  
  • Peer on peer abuse  
  • Mental health issues  
  • Sexual violence/Harassment 
  • Weapon crime   



Prevent is part of our safeguarding duty and is an element of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015). It means that all schools and childcare providers have a duty to help prevent people from being drawn into or supporting terrorism. 

Radicalisation is the name given to the process that moves a person to legitimise their support or use of violence. It’s where terrorism begins. 

Useful Links

College policies

Working together to safeguard children

Keeping Children Safe in Education


Useful Documents 

SMART Rules 

Parents/Carers Factsheet

Child-on-child abuse - tips for parents 

Quick guide to in-game chat

Contact us

Main Switchboard: 01302 386700 (8am-4:45pm) 


Please note that this email is not manned 24 hours a day. For serious concerns please use the numbers below:

Concerns for personal safety call the police 999 (emergency) 101 (non-emergency) 

Urgent concerns regarding child or young persons Mental Health: 01302 796191

Urgent safeguarding concerns: 01302 737777 (duty team)