Communication Specialist College Doncaster is looking for people to join its board of Governors playing a vital role in steering the specialist college for the next few years. The board is particularly keen to hear from people who are Deaf or have lived experience of communication difficulties.

Here one of the Governors shares his experience of being a Governor at the college.

Hello, my name is Phill Jackson and I’ve been a Governor at Communication Specialist College Doncaster for five years.

I was really interested in joining the board as a Governor, initially to get an insight into how an organisation from a different sector to my own worked. I previously worked as a Marketing Director for a construction company so specialist education was new for me, but I felt that I had lots of skills and experience that could help the college. I now have a consultancy business that supports charitable organisations with free advice and services, and I undertake several voluntary roles within the community.

My role as Governor sees me working closely with the careers department who look after work placements and work transition for the students.

The college has a fantastic reputation in this area and works with companies across England to find the students suitable placements in their hometowns and cities, as a national organisation we attract students from up and down the country.

It is important that the college has robust governance and I see our role as Governors is to constructively challenge the performance of the college and its leadership team, share knowledge and ideas, and help with decision making.

The minute you step through the doors at the specialist college it is clear to see that this place can literally be life changing for the students as they learn that they can face challenges head on despite their communication or learning difficulty.  The college inspires confidence and helps students grow as individuals and being a Governor, you feel part of that journey.

We are currently recruiting for new governors and it would be great to see people with a legal or local government background join the team as well as a parent governor and we’d really like to see governors with lived experience.

This is such a rewarding role and you really do feel that you are part of an organisation that is making a huge difference.

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Governor at Communication Specialist College Doncaster, please contact Alexis Johnson, chief executive of Doncaster Deaf Trust via email