Looked After Children (LAC) reviews and annual reviews are important in ensuring the needs of the individual are met, both in an educational and care home setting.
Annual reviews:
Annual reviews are facilitated by Doncaster School for the Deaf and supported by Doncaster Deaf Trust Children’s Homes. The Home provides a written report each year outlining the developments and progress of the child, in relation to their individual needs. A staff member from the Home attends the annual review, alongside the Care Manager to make sure the residential placement is continuing to meet the child’s social, emotional, health and educational needs.
LAC reviews and care planning:
Arrangements will be made for children who are ‘Looked After’ by the authority and accommodated in Dickson House and the North Flat. The registered manager will liaise with independent reviewing officers and social workers to ensure that regular LAC reviews occur.
Every LAC child at Dickson House and the North flat are subject to care planning and reviews to track developments and ensure service provision meets their health, education and social needs. All children are provided with support, guidance and information on how to influence decisions and actions regarding their health, education and emotional wellbeing.
The key worker, under the guidance of the Home’s manager, will monitor and ensure that the requirements of the Care Plan are implemented in the day-to-day care of each child. LAC children are cared for in line with their local authority’s Care Plan and their individual placement plan, implemented by the Home. Children are helped to understand the purpose and content of their placement plan and the reasons behind any decisions made about their care. They are also consulted when their care plan is reviewed, at an age and ability appropriate level.